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Here's how you know

John P Dolan


National Provider Identifier (NPI) - 1790843597

Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians | Psychiatry & Neurology

7683 SE 27TH ST # 475
MERCER ISLAND, WA 98040-2804


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Filters only show options for available data

Open Payments keeps seven years of records (January 2017 - December 2023), but not all providers, companies, and teaching hospitals have data for all years and categories of records.

Totals by record type in 2018

Totals by record type in 2018
General Payment RecordsLoading
Research Payment RecordsLoading
Associated research fundingLoading
Ownership and investment interest Loading

General Payments by Nature of Payment in 2018


Top Companies Making General Payments in 2018


List of General Payment Records in 2018


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