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Program Overview

The mission of the program is to provide the public with a more transparent health care system.

Open Payments collects and publishes information about financial relationships between drug and medical device companies (referred to as "reporting entities") and certain health care providers (referred to as "covered recipients"). These relationships may involve payments to providers for things including but not limited to research, meals, travel, gifts or speaking fees.

All information available on the Open Payments database is open to personal interpretation and if there are questions about the data, patients and their advocates should speak directly to the health care provider for a better understanding.

Open Payments Calendar: Data Updates

On June 28, 2024 the Open Payments Program Year 2023 data was published. Program Year 2023 includes payments or transfers of value that drug and medical device companies made to certain healthcare providers between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.

The most recent data publication marks the third year that the Open Payments data includes physician assistants, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, certified registered nurse anesthetists, anesthesiologist assistants and certified nurse midwives. Drug and medical device companies reported records amounting to $ in payments or transfers of value to health care providers during 2023.

Payment information on this site reflects the most recent seven years of Open Payments’ data. Program Years 2013 – 2016 are archived and can be accessed on the Archived Dataset page.

Calendar updates workflow diagram

Site Features

Search Tool

Search for providers receiving payments, as well as companies that have made payments.

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Payments by State

Summary-level data is now available through an interactive dashboard, featuring visualizations for easy interpretation. Review data for up to five states at once, or explore further into a selected state.

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Payments by State

Dataset Explorer

Filters moved to the left side of the page for better visibility: Use quick links to dataset cards for direct access to Dataset Overview, Data Table, API, and Download.

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Dataset Explorer

Additional Program Information

For more information about the program, including how the program operates and resources for reporting entities and covered recipients, visit

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