Dataset Explorer
Every year CMS publishes complete datasets that consolidate the information submitted by reporting entities for active years of Open Payments data. You can download full datasets or use the Open Payments Search tool to refine and filter views of the data. The search tool only displays the most recent seven Program Years. Archived Program Years are available on the Archived Datasets on page.
Some datasets contain very large files and, depending on your network characteristics and software, may take a long time to download or fail to download. Additionally, the number of rows in the file may be larger than the maximum rows your version of Microsoft Excel supports. If you can't download the file, we recommend engaging your IT support staff. If you are able to download the file but are unable to open it in MS Excel or get a message that the data has been truncated, we recommend trying alternative programs such as MS Access, Universal Viewer, Editpad or any other software your organization has available for large datasets.
Click here to learn more about software specifications and limits.